Tuesday, April 1, 2008





I think emoticons are a way for youth to express their individuality and emotion, and is a healthy way of youthful expression. By attaching certain pictures to phrases or changing certain words into other images, teenagers are able to convey certain subtleties that are difficult to translate into words. Hence, it is encouraging that teenagers have found a way to relate these difficult to express subtleties in language, and should be encouraged to do so. However, there is a problem of not being able to code-switch, which may lead some teenagers to add emoticons into situations where they are not appropriate. Hence, teenagers should not be discouraged from using emoticons, but should rather be taught to differentiate and identify situations where their use should be avoided.

1 comment:

yukki said...

いつ誰にメールを書くかによって、絵文字を使うか使わないか考えなければならないというわけですね。ことばを使い分ける(to to use one language in one situation and another in a different situation)のは、とても難しいですよね。絵文字をよく使う若者は、code-switchingができているんでしょうか。興味があります。
